Analysis of data - Suppliers why? Evaluate and re-evaluate the suppliers performance


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why the analysis of supplier peformance were mentioned as a major point in the standard (8.4)?specially that it is mentioned in 7.4.1 to evaluate and re evaluate the suppliers performance .......
it could be included with the purchasing process analysis and thats it?

what do you think?


Trusted Information Resource
Hi Samer,

The reason is 'Garbage in Rubbish out'. If your input is garbage, you are gonna get rubbish as output - unless you are a waste contractor/converter.

That's the reason for evaluating them and you normally do evaluation once in a year. Meanwhile you need to monitor their performance. Perhaps collect daily data, analized the trends and prepare monthly reports. PDCA - instead of crying foul only at the next evaluation the year after.

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what im saying is that im always found my self obliged to make some chart or simple analysis for suppiler without any benefit just to comply with standard , this is not pactical

evaluation is some thing different from data analysis of suppliers,we should keep the evaluation and forget about considreing analysis of suppliers performance as a major point in the standard , thasts what i beleive in ?



Trusted Information Resource
To a great extend, I have to agree with you. Many organizations, especially the smaller and lower tech. ones take almost immediate action when issues arise - if they wait till the end of month or year to analyse data, god bless them.


Involved - Posts
hi ,

in reality analysis of data in general is something generic , and it shouldnot be for specific points as mentioned in the standard .

i think to evaluate the suppiler evey year is something poor , from my experience this evaluation is only serves as a reminder for the top mangement not more ,they will talk action without referring to the yearly evaluation of suppiers .

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