Calibration due dates.

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Hello R. Lambert,

It has been some time since I have used Gage Pack. What version are you referring to?

Why not set a date like the 1st and 15th (split the instruments into two groups) and allow yourself to do the calibrations up to 2 weeks early?

R. Lambert

Hello Jen. We are using Gage Pack 13. We run a due for calibration report every day. Usually on Monday we will have 50 items due and the rest of the week maybe one or two each day. This happens because Gage Pack is set up to skip weekends. To combat this we add up the weeks total and divide it by 5 and make the daily amount manageable. Our QAP for calibrations states they may be done on or within seven days of the due date. Our customer keeps hitting on this and cannot understand the grace period. Thoughts?

Eric Gasper

Perpetual Quality Learner
PQ Systems
Hi @R. Lambert

For reports, the answer is Yes, we can show just mm/yyyy instead of the full date format. That is also true for labels as well.
Within GAGEpack, the calibration due date will be the full date though.

If you would like to know more about the report possibilities, please let us know at [email protected]
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