Choosing a Registrar - Need registrar selection advice



Need registrar selection advice

Our company is registered ISO 9001:2000 and we have had no problems with our existing registrar. An employee in our company now wants to change registrars. He wants to use UL because of their "prestigious" name. This is not a requirement of any of our customers. I would like to get some opinions regarding changing registrars before the triennial assessment (due in 2004). And, what do you think of UL? Are they more strict, rigid in their assessments? Any thoughts? We are an electronic components wholesale distributor (semiconductors, integrated circuits, etc.). We do not do any manufacturing.

Jimmy Olson

Hi Linnette and welcome to the cove :bigwave:

We actually are registered through UL and have had no complaints. They are very fair in their assesments. They ensure that you comply with the requirements, but are very open in how you choose to comply. They have also been extremely helpful in offering advice and answering any questions.

With that said, I don't see any reason to change registrars. If you don't have any complaints with your current one and none of your customers are concerned about it, then you shouldn't be concerned. :D


Trusted Information Resource
I would be a lot more concerned with whether the registrar is meeting your needs than having a "prestigious" name. I've never heard of a customer showing preference of one ISO 9001 certified company over another based on the name of their registrar.

When selecting a registrar, I usually point people to the Rating the Registrars article which rates the registrars on the things certified companies care about. Where does UL rank on their list? Towards the bottom of the list in almost all categories*.

*Disclaimer: Since the "annual survey" was skipped last year this info is becoming a bit dated. As always, your actual mileage may vary.
Re: Need registrar selection advice

Originally posted by Linnette
Our company is registered ISO 9001:2000 and we have had no problems with our existing registrar. An employee in our company now wants to change registrars. He wants to use UL because of their "prestigious" name.

Hi Linette, and welcome to the Cove :bigwave:

In some cases it may be a good idea to change registrars, but not for that reason... If you're happy with the performance of your current registrar I can't see any reason for a change. What value would that hazzle add? Is it worth it?

If, on the other hand you feel that your current registrar is not providing the value they once did (stagnation) it's a different story. Time to get some new blood in. We just did, for that very reason.



Quite Involved in Discussions
When we searched for a Registrar we looked at all of them (63) UL was on our short list. I considered them tough ( for an inmature system ) and we did not go with them. We want our Registrar to get tougher the more mature we get.
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