Could ISO 22000 auditee hold Auditor Responsible for subsequent safety breaches?


blue moon

Dear Friends

if a lead auditor for ISO 22000 make the audit for food factory

and he was not qualified enought so there are some problem he didn't understand and not mention it in his report for audit , but upon his report the certificatiob body give the factory the certificate of ISO 22000

and after period of time , a problem in the factory happend and this problem is related to food safety and cause in hazard

in this case could the auditor be claimed from any authority and will be taken as a resposnible for this hazard

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Polly Pure Bread

Re: could ISO 22000 audite claimed when risk happen ?

It’s the organization’s responsibility to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe at the time of human consumption

blue moon

Re: could ISO 22000 audite claimed when risk happen ?

even he see a non compliance may affect the humen , but due to he is not qualified he didn't take it in his mind and didn't report it in his report

such an example i know a factory their infra structure and damaged and the floor and wall is brocken but maintain in a bad way

is this also the responsible of company not the auditor

Jim Wynne

Re: could ISO 22000 audite claimed when risk happen ?

even he see a non compliance may affect the humen , but due to he is not qualified he didn't take it in his mind and didn't report it in his report

such an example i know a factory their infra structure and damaged and the floor and wall is brocken but maintain in a bad way

is this also the responsible of company not the auditor

It's hard to believe that an auditor could be held responsible for the condition of a building, but you're in Egypt and the laws there would be the determining factor. If there's a question of potential liability, a qualified attorney should be consulted.


I agree with Jim's comment above regarding local laws, but in North America and Europe as far as I know, no shortcoming or malfeasance of an audited organization or facility is ever "the fault" of an auditor in regard to his/her auditing role.


Trusted Information Resource
These kind of standards are voluntary in nature and have no legal standing in the eyes of the law. Don't waste your time and stop blaming!

blue moon

is this mean

is there are a factory in a country certified with ISO 22000 and export to eaurp or USA

and there are people affected by the product and die due to problem in this product

and authority find it is not applicable to get ISO 22000 , so there no one can cliam the certification body

because i know some certification body sell the iso certificate for money and didn't make any audit


Seriously consequential accusations such as the OP's, two posts above, should be made to duly empowered authorities, not here in a discussion forum.

If you have evidence to back up your accusations, pertaining to unsafe-food exports to the US or Europe, present it to the US FDA or a European-country national authority.
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blue moon

this certification body is not at egypt , as i heared in such african coutnries

but my main question is the certification body for ISO 22000 can be claimed because of any accident happened or not
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