Electrical calibration using Fluke 550 SC300



Hi: I am looking for someone that can help write calibration procedures to load into the Fluke MatCal program format.

I am using the programs that came with the unit but we allways seem to need more. if someone has procedures we could purchase that would be great. I would like to make contact with someone who could write additional procedures as we need them.

Please contact me at 440-918-0001

Thank you

Keith Kokal:frust:


Correction it is a Fluke 5500A SC300

I made an error, This is really a Fluke 5500A SC300. The SC300 is the Scope option.

Ryan Wilde


Do you have MetCal Gold Support? I run into very few things that I can cal with my 5500A SC600 that don't already have procedures (and Fluke is developing a lot of procedures for oscilloscopes as I type this). Gold support is pricey, but I've found that it costs about the same as buying 3-4 procedures, or having 2 programmed for you by an outside vendor.

I have written a few procedures (I use version 6.11 of MetCal, which will hopefully become version 7.X at the end of Sep when Fluke releases it), but none for the 5500A. I know that it is a bit more cumbersome to program than a 5700A (such as having to specify that the AC is a sine wave). But with the right programming tools (try Autopro II and AskHelper, they're free from Fluke as utilities, and will be included in MetCal 7), it is really not too difficult to do yourself, albeit very time-consuming. Everything I've written seems to be so I can use unsupported standards (like Network Analyzers), and all of my programming is direct GPIB programming, so I'm only slightly familiar with supported devices such as the 5500A.

If you really have your heart set on writing your own procedures, you really should take the classes offered by Fluke. I didn't (company won't pay for it since we have a software engineer whose lead time seems to be running at about 1-1/2 year), and I really wish I took the classes.

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