First, this post was started about finding codes for the Gmdn, if that was such a problem why is it still up.
As far as I can see, this thread is mostly about finding legit ways to get GMDN (and similar) codes for free. It also holds some rant about the high GMDN membership costs, with which I sympathize. It is NOT about getting GMDN in any possible way; I'm sure that if that was the case, it was no longer here. The line is very fine and I applaud the moderators for walking it to date in a reasonable way (IMO).
Second, I did not specifically ask for a code, just if someone who has access could see if the code I have is still valid.
Doesn't matter. That was a request to access copyrighted material (information), an access that the owner has decided to collect a fee for. Had they not, one could have asked whether a code is current or not directly and formally from them. A couple of the more recent posts (Steve K et. al.) have discussed exactly this issue.
This post was created because many of us believe that...
There are good and legit ways to protest against wrong and to fix bad systems. breaking rules is not one of them IMO, even if you're convinced that the rules are bad. Definitely when you don't put yourself at risk, but rather this website, that so many have worked for so long to establish, and the large community that benefits from it in legit ways.
Have a great day,