Measureables to Monitor an Integrated Management System Capability




Anyone experience or good ideas on measuring the capability of a integrated Management System?

Ideally I would like to gather metrics on:

lead indicators on performance / capability of the management system


lagging indicators (complaints, COPQ, etc)

Currently the information available comes from audit reports, assessments and records on for instance 'loss of containment', complaints, etc

I am looking forward on ideas & your experiences or even dashboard examples?



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A quick "Bump". My Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this one!


I realize this answer is coming a little late, but maybe it is still relevant to the OP or to the next person who finds this thread.

I would start at TS16949 clause 5.4.1. What are your company's Quality Objectives? Break them down into a numbered list.

Next take each number and devise a leading and a lagging metric.

(1) Employee Safety: Leading metric: % of total employees completing monthly safety training programs. Lagging metric: Days without Injury.

(2) Minimize Production Scrap: Leading metric: # of first article inspections performed by first level production line management per day. Lagging metric: Units of scrap or % of scrap per day.

Finally, create a measurement system for Effectiveness. For example, if the Leading safety metric for #1 is achieving high scores, yet the lagging injury metric does not improve, or even gets worse, this process inside your Management System is not effective. You can follow up with a Corrective and Preventative Action report defining how you will achieve the desired objective of Employee Safety.

John Broomfield

Super Moderator

When setting new objectives for your organizational management system (IMS makes no sense to me) also invoke the necessary preventive action so the people concerned share their understanding of the risks and change their system to help them to fulfill each objective.

These preventive actions specify the criteria and processes necessary to monitor effectiveness in time for further timely preventive action.

May I suggest you take a fresh look at the effectiveness of your procedure for preventing system ineffectiveness (incapability) and other nonconformity?

Actions to add value faster and prevent loss sooner are the metrics you seek.

But be careful. If you invest too heavily in institutionalizing these metrics then your organization may become reluctant to innovate and change as a system to secure new opportunities to create more successful stakeholders.

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