Overseas Shipping Regulatory Requirements



Is there a requlatory requirement that all equipment sold overseas must be brand new or is this just an individual business decision.

Wes Bucey

Prophet of Profit
Re: Shipping Overseas

Is there a regulatory requirement that all equipment sold overseas must be brand new or is this just an individual business decision.
There are regulations for some types of equipment such as medical devices, armaments, and nuclear processing material. Beyond that, I am certainly aware of lots of process equipment AND consumer/end user equipment that is shipped from the USA to other countries in
  1. used, as is condition ,as well as
  2. used, refurbished condition.
One major example which comes to mind are automobiles and automobile parts.


This also could be destination dependent. Different countries may have different policy. I know China is quite sensitive about used equipment for example.

Kevin H

I can think of at least 1 steel mill in north eastern Ohio that was largely disassembled and shipped to an Eastern European country within the last 10 years. (Formerly known as Copperweld steel). The melting furnaces were left and within the last couple of years are in the process of being restarted.
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