SQCpack Tech Tuesday Webinar 3-Part Series

Matt Savage

Trusted Information Resource
The calculated characteristics are per row. If you have 30 samples (30 rows of data) and you want to know the minimum value of all 30 samples, the Histogram lists this in the "Basic Statistics" section.


Starting to get Involved
Hello, another question. We are looking at using SQC pack data groups as a means of being our Quality Assurance plan. One of my bosses is worried about the potential of operators being able to delete data. Is it possible to print a page containing all the information that a person inputs when entering data in a data group?

Matt Savage

Trusted Information Resource
Yes, you can print the data for a specific identifier (operator) for a specific Data group.
If there is a concern about a user deleting data, you can enable User Roles that, for example, will not allow a user to change data once they have closed the Data group or (even more strict) not allow a user to change data once they leave the row they are adding. If you select Menu, User Roles, you can create or edit a role and then when a user logs into SQCpack, they will be using the role you selected for them.
Lastly, if you give users permissions to delete data and someone thinks that data was deleted, the Audit Trail can be used to tell you the user, the PC they were on, the Date & Time is was deleted, and the Data values that were deleted.


Starting to get Involved
Hi Matt.

While helpful that doesn't fully answer my question. Can the operator, who actually completes the measurements, print out a completed filling out all rows of a data group, print just the data they have just now entered in?

Matt Savage

Trusted Information Resource
As listed in the first sentence above, "Yes, you can print the data for a specific identifier (operator) for a specific Data group."
A user with permissions can select Print Data and when doing this they have access to the filter so that the results they get match what they need. I am not sure what "... print just the data they have just now entered" means, but I am guessing it means Print all data entered by me in the past xx hours. Does that help?


Starting to get Involved
Hey Matt.

I think I figured out this issue. It seems like when printing they can change the filter to be n=1. We have operators filling out a QAPs every six hours or so for particular parts, and I want, when they fill one out, to only print the numbers they just put in (not the one from six hours ago). And I want the operator filling in the info to also print it out.

Another question, I am trying to add a dimension that is "Pass/Fail" to one of my data groups. Is it possible for me to create a "measurement" column with a dropdown menu for "pass/fail." Or do I need to make this dimension an identifier, or something else. Thanks!

Matt Savage

Trusted Information Resource
You can add an Identifier that has two choices Pass or Fail, but Measurement columns (characteristics) are for variable (measurement) data.


Starting to get Involved
Hello there, thanks for all your help.

I am curious about the default settings when I print or export data from a data group to a csv file. Is it possible for me to change the default n= value when printing? Or change the default filepath when I go to export data to csv.

Thank you!
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