Supplier Audit - Looking for a quality audit checklist

Chris AM

Hola everyone, as an amateur I need your advice. I work in an automobile company. I want to make a quality audit checklist for my supplier during the mass production stage to prevent nonconformance of single part. What kind of points check do I need to verify? Can u give me an example ?

Jim Wynne

Welcome to the Cove. There's no way that anyone here can give you an example that will be helpful. What is the product? Why is it felt that this audit is necessary? Has a PPAP submission from the supplier been submitted and approved? Are you technically qualified to assess the supplier's manufacturing processes? What is the scope of the proposed audit?

We would need to have all of this information before giving any advice or suggestions.

Sidney Vianna

Post Responsibly
Hola everyone, as an amateur I need your advice. I work in an automobile company. I want to make a quality audit checklist for my supplier during the mass production stage to prevent nonconformance of single part. What kind of points check do I need to verify? Can u give me an example ?
Hi Chris, have you had any training/development as a second party auditor? The kind of question you asked tends to come from people who are thrown into a situation they have not been made competent to tackle; in those cases, an artificial, external checklist tends to add no value. Any audit is a unique event with distinct risks to be assessed. Any "checklist" should be bespoke to the occasion.


A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
Hi Chris AM, "as an amateur....I work in an automobile company", there are several ways one should approach this (drawing from time as an automotive Adv SQ @ large OEM and a Sr. PM for a large Tier 1:

1) If for a new or would be supplier to your firm, urge you to make this a cross-functional effort...involving key stakeholders such as Product eng., Purchasing etc., to construct a Excel SS or similar "SEA" or Supplier Eligibility Assessment or similar. This is so crucial, to ensure your firm gets off on the right foot with suppliers...all will know for certain "expectation as well as Roles & Responsibilities"

2) If, an existing supplier to your firm, cross-functional effort as well ...involving all key stakeholders such as Product Eng., Purchasing etc., to construct a Excel SS or similar "Annual Audit Assessment or "AAA. This too is crucial, to ensure your firm gets what they are purchasing in all areas, also helping to ensure timely/clean launches.

Lastly, and equally important, take the time to do it right, take the initiative....very likely your efforts will be recognized

Hope this helps
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