Additional sources for ASQ CQT exam sample questions



I'm studying for the CQT. I have sample questions from the following sources:

CQI Primer
CQI Sample Test Question CD
ASQ Web Site Sample Exam

Are there any additional sources that anyone is aware of? I want to do as many sample questions as I can possibly find in my final preparation for the test.

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holly21 said:
I'm studying for the CQT. I have sample questions from the following sources:

CQI Primer
CQI Sample Test Question CD
ASQ Web Site Sample Exam

Are there any additional sources that anyone is aware of? I want to do as many sample questions as I can possibly find in my final preparation for the test.

I think when you say CQI you mean "QCI" i.e Quality Council of Indiana.

The sample exams I had hyperlinked in the Sample Exams thread are real ASQ Exams questions from the past exams with matching cognitive levels to BOK.

The additional Sample Exams that you had mentioned in QCI Primer & CD are created by QCI authors (similar in style to ASQ Exam questions, but not the past exam questions).

There could be few past exam questions in QCI CD for CQE,CRE. Other than that, I dont think they are from past exams.

Many of those are good questions too. They may or may not match the cognition levels as indicated in BOK.



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holly21 said:
I'm studying for the CQT. I have sample questions from the following sources:

CQI Primer
CQI Sample Test Question CD
ASQ Web Site Sample Exam

Are there any additional sources that anyone is aware of? I want to do as many sample questions as I can possibly find in my final preparation for the test.


In my previous post, I wanted to clarify the difference to users.
Now Iam answering to your thread.

Additional Sources:
Quality America CQT Study material and Free online exam evaluation

The Certified Quality Technician Handbook



CQT test preparation


I am planning to appear for CQT exam this October. What is the best way to prepare for the same. But before that let me tell you that I am a chem engineer and have lil less background of statastics. I am thinking of ordering CQT primer and CQT solution text. I already have CQE primer. Would I need anything else ?

Craig H.

ilovesai said:

I am planning to appear for CQT exam this October. What is the best way to prepare for the same. But before that let me tell you that I am a chem engineer and have lil less background of statastics. I am thinking of ordering CQT primer and CQT solution text. I already have CQE primer. Would I need anything else ?


As I have said before, finding a study group of folks taking the exam at the same time helped me a lot on the CQE. We started about 6 months out and met once a week.


I would recommend the CQT Primer and Solutions Manual. My background is engineering too and I've basically taught myself the statistics portion. If you don't have a background in quality, however, I think you could probably use some additional resources to gain a good foundation. The Primer is really more of a reference manual and doesn't get into a lot of detail. I'm finding that several questions in the CQT Primer aren't ones that you can just look up and find the answer. They require some knowledge of the material, but are more about logic and choosing the *best* answer.

I'd recommend a CQT Handbook that you can order through ASQ. I also have a copy of the CQE Quick Reference notes that someone on this site recommended. That's a fantastic resource and allows you to find the equations you need quickly. There's also lots of room for notes.

Also, if there's a review course that you can attend, that would probably be a good thing. They don't really offer one near where I live, but I think I could've benefited from a classroom environment where I could ask questions and get clarification.

Anyway, that was my game plan. I won't know for a couple of weeks (when I get my results) if that is a good plan or not!


holly21 said:
I would recommend the CQT Primer and Solutions Manual. My background is engineering too and I've basically taught myself the statistics portion. If you don't have a background in quality, however, I think you could probably use some additional resources to gain a good foundation. The Primer is really more of a reference manual and doesn't get into a lot of detail. I'm finding that several questions in the CQT Primer aren't ones that you can just look up and find the answer. They require some knowledge of the material, but are more about logic and choosing the *best* answer.

I'd recommend a CQT Handbook that you can order through ASQ. I also have a copy of the CQE Quick Reference notes that someone on this site recommended. That's a fantastic resource and allows you to find the equations you need quickly. There's also lots of room for notes.

Also, if there's a review course that you can attend, that would probably be a good thing. They don't really offer one near where I live, but I think I could've benefited from a classroom environment where I could ask questions and get clarification.

Anyway, that was my game plan. I won't know for a couple of weeks (when I get my results) if that is a good plan or not!

Thanks Holly ! I guess I would staft off with CQT Primer first and that would give me lil bit more idea on what I am lacking of and from there I can go ahed. Now you mentioned about quick reference notes, how can I get those ? and I don't think they offer some classes where I stay too so I guess I would take help from my boss who is CQE and really good at statastics.

And I am sure you are going to do just fine for CQT.
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