How to find Customer required frequency testing to FMVSS 302


I know for the automotive industry the frequency of which you need to test for FMVSS 302 is based on the customer requirement as frequency is not called out in FMVSS 302 itself. However, I am not able to find any customer documents which states such. I have checked IATF Customer Specific requirements as well as Customer Specific PPAP requirements and have not been able to find. I reviewed the OEM specific Material Specification of which calls out FMVSS 302 and it does not refer to frequency requirements either. Is anyone able to point me to where I could find this information?
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A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
Suggest you check the AIAG.ORG site, I took 3-6 courses via this site one of which was Intro to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards...great course. This may be of value to you...


A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
I may have some insight from the notes I took during this course let me check, it may be a few days...

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