CQI-23 Molding System Assessment Scope



Does the CQI-23 Molding System Assessment apply to a sub-tier supplier of injection molded ceramic (not plastic) parts that are used up in the investment casting process and therefore not an end product??

hector cabral

The CQI-23 is specific for injection molding process I do ignore if the ceramic product you supply is produced in this process, if so it is a good recommendation you to check you QMS is against the benchmark. But it is not easy or cheap and implement such approach may be not affordable for your organization.


Thank you Hector.

Does it matter that the product we provide is not an end product? It is used by our customer to make an end product but is not in the end product?


I have a general question: we are receiving CQI-23 requests more and more. Most of our components are catalogue parts and thus not specifically designed for Ford or GM. As we are a Tier 2 supplier are we still obliged to use the CQI-23 for our molding process in this case? Another questions is if there are more OEMs that request CQI-23?. FYI we are a component supplier (molding components, connectors)
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