Weight Sets for Checking Table Balances



Which class is preferable for basic calibration checks on table balances handling specimens of 100-3000 grams? NIST Class F, ASTM Class 4, or OIML Class E1? It looks like the NIST Class F is adequate, but I'm not sure whether the others would be better. The materials tested are coarse and fine raw materials.


Do customer requirements or regulatory requirements give you any guidance on this?

Tara Monson

It really all depends on what you are using these balances for and what your requirements are. We struggled in identifying these and decided it was more cost effective to outsource our balance calibration. We then use internal weights to verify weekly...




I will be outsourcing for actual calibration. These weights would be for daily calibration checks. I suppose that I could have that service verify the check weights when they come in to service the scales. We just need not overspend on weights used, as there are no particular customer or regulatory requirements (addressing silentrunning comments).

Tara Monson

Absolutely. No need to overspend - which is where we saw the same issues.

In all honesty, we don't even have our daily verification weights checked. Our verification ranges are wider than the calibration ranges, so we have not had an issue. Our auditor and management team are confident in this method, as our use does not impact final product quality.

Good luck to you!
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