Advertising ISO 9001 Certification



Good Morning:

Last week my company was recommended for certification for ISO 9001.

We haven't received the certificate yet, but were told it would be approximately two weeks.

My question is, how does your company advertise your ISO 9001 Certification??

Any ideas and suggestions would be great!

Coury Ferguson

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Trusted Information Resource
Good Morning:

Last week my company was recommended for certification for ISO 9001.

We haven't received the certificate yet, but were told it would be approximately two weeks.

My question is, how does your company advertise your ISO 9001 Certification??

Any ideas and suggestions would be great!

I have seen the Statement that we are Registered to ISO9001 on the Company's delivery trucks, websites, and I have seen them in company brochures.

Just remember, there are rules that your CB has given you, so make sure you follow their rules. Another thing to remember, is not to mislead people in thinking your product is registered, it is just you Quality Management System.


Ohh definitely. Our auditor said we will receive the rules when we receive the certification.

What about an ISO 9001 banner?? Does anyone else have any unique ways of advertising??

If it helps, we are a service company so we really don't have a product. We are a long term job placement company....As much as we would like, we can't produce people lol!!

I have seen the Statement that we are Registered to ISO9001 on the Company's delivery trucks, websites, and I have seen them in company brochures.

Just remember, there are rules that your CB has given you, so make sure you follow their rules. Another thing to remember, is not to mislead people in thinking your product is registered, it is just you Quality Management System.


We include certification reference details in/on:
Product guides
Purchase orders
Certificates we issue etc

I assume this is advertising the fact!

Coury Ferguson

Moderator here to help
Trusted Information Resource
Ohh definitely. Our auditor said we will receive the rules when we receive the certification.

What about an ISO 9001 banner?? Does anyone else have any unique ways of advertising??

If it helps, we are a service company so we really don't have a product. We are a long term job placement company....As much as we would like, we can't produce people lol!!

A banner will work.

Ask your Marketing Group, I am sure they will also have some ideas.


The ISO Banner is a good start (we hang one over our front entrance). Also, be sure to include "ISO 9001 Registered" or something similiar on your letterhead, brochures, web page, business cards, etc. Getting the word out is simply promoting yourself as a company. BTW - where do I send my resume?:D


Quite Involved in Discussions
Ohh definitely. Our auditor said we will receive the rules when we receive the certification.

Check your registar's website too for the rules and regulations. Most registrars have image files (*.png, *.tif, etc) available for downloading of their logos and your specific certification.

We have used this information for our website and advertising brochures. Did you pick out a nice spot in your facility yet to hang your certificate? Hopefully it will be in a place where there is a lot of foot-traffic.

Big Jim

All CB's are required to control their client's use of registration marks. At least some of them provide a set of guidelines. The guidelines can be lengthy as they include guidelines for each of the accreditation bodies that CB is associated with. They are also updated frequently as they are updated each time any of the accreditation bodies or ISO changes their rules.

Here are some general guidelines. You cannot use the ISO copyrighted logo (looks kind of like a globe with ISO across it). You cannot modify the ISO logo.

You cannot ever use any ISO terminology or other registration marks on the product or product packaging (this one is violated often).

You may use ISO terminology on letterhead, stationary, business cards, literature web site, etc. If you use the ISO terminology, you must use it entirely, not just parts of it. The correct terminology is "ISO 9001:2000 Certified", "ISO 9001:2000 Certification", "ISO 9001:2000 Registered" or "ISO 9001:2000 Registration" You may not use "ISO Certified" or "ISO 9001:2000" as those terms are incomplete.

Further, you can use the seals of any of the accreditation bodies that appear on your certification as well as the seal for your CB. You must follow the rules for each one as set out by them. The rules include such things as size, what must be used with it, colors that are acceptable, and so on.

It is no wonder that many registered companies choose not to use them.
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