ISO documentation for portals



Can anyone provide me name of portals that have gone for ISO certification or have a matching documentation?

Al Dyer


Thanks for asking! I started to do a couple of web searches to see if I slept through that discussion in quality school.


James Gutherson

Correct me if I'm wrong sikdar, but the 'portal' refered to is a website. Typically one that contains links to a subject of intrest. is one, Mark's site could possibly be considered another one. The site is however a commercial venture whereby the sells advertising space and attempts to attract 'clicks' by assembling a collection of links to sites of intrest, and other resources, for a particular community.

I would think from a Quality perspective that controlling even the existance of those external links would be hard enough, let alone addressing the quality of their content.

Al Dyer

Don't tell me that we are actually discussing controlling a web link!



ya.....portal is a website!!

Many companies whose sole business is a transaction based website or a pure information based website can actually go for certification under ISO 9000:2000. I am attempting to do one.


for instance what are the quality standards maintained by amazon or fool? Since, like any other business operation they too follow all the procedures of a service industry. Hence, ISO is relevant.

Andy Bassett

Hello Sikdar

I am actually also about to certify to ISO 9000:2000 a websote company .

As ever i have approached this from the standpoint of what might be useful to the company as opposed to what ISO might require.

In fact i dont really see much difference between a bricks and mortar operation and a website retailer.

There is few useful tricks to be learnt however. For example a website is normally in a constant state of development. To control this i have set up folders in the outlook that automatically captures e mails with specific names. I have now instructed the website developers to send me an e Mail with TEST THIS CHANGE written in the subject line. If i accept it i return the email with CHANGE ACCEPTED or CHANGE NOT ACCEPTED written on it. These e mails are always on copy to the website and are automatically filed. Whats the advantage? At a later stage i can go to the folders and trace every change and subsequent acceptance or rejection.

This is just one example, if you have any other points you wish to raise please post it here becuase i am convinced that more of these companies will exist in the future that will require some form of certification.


Andy B


andy al james and others

andy has a good procedure to follow using emails.

software dev. cos have been doing iso certification and an iso certification for websites should be no different.

reason being, the procedures followed in the development and maintenance of the websites are again the same procedures followed in a normal software dev. project.

hence, continuos change in the website in terms of look or feel or new utilities added are not the important things in iso documentation because they do not qualify for procedures. A general procedure in this regard will be product realisaton or service realisation.

in other words a website goes for an iso audit like any other software dev. company with the difference that the services it offers to customers are slightly different.

what i would like to know is what documentation procedures do established websites follow or are there other standards for quality assurance?

Al Dyer

To All,

Thanks for opening my eyes! I now see how websites would need some type of control process.


[This message has been edited by Al Dyer (edited 11 July 2001).]
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