List of Legislation - Legal Register for ISO14001



I currently use a few different sources for updating my legal register for ISO14001 - what I am looking for is a site or something that can list all current legislation between 2 dates then allow me to copy or export that list - wont allow it - Barbour doesn't neither does anything on IEMA website. This is for UK legislation (Environment) - any ideas?



Super Moderator
It won't be relevant because you need to identify specific legislation linked to individual aspects. A general list of all the environmental laws is meaningless


The list would be very hjelpful - I know what we need to comply against and not willin gto pay for aservice for it - I am sure there is something free outthere - in the UK the EA used to have a list - no longer as on a .gov website. NETREGS also a great resource - now only Scotland and Wales.
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