Procedure or Program and Policies for Hosting Third Party Inspections



Hi, does anyone have a procedure or a program on hosting third party inspections? It usually contains the people who should entertain the inspectors, policy regarding cameras, etc.

Thank you in advance! :)


I don't have anything like you have asked for but here are two bits of (free) advice:

- Make sure that the relevant people are there to answer questions and/or provide information as necessary; mini skirts and high heels are a thing of the past in most places plus most men don't look good wearing those

- If you have any trade secrets (internal or customer) then you might want to restrict the use of recording devices (camera phones, video recorders, cameras, etc) in the sensitive area; it is your facility and you dictate what goes and what doesn't

Hope this helps. Oh, yeah ... try to enjoy and learn from the experience.
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