So I finally got a copy of page 86. And I have done as you commanded. This refers to a study of the stability - or consistency - of the measurement system over time using one part. (For those who also don’t have access to the manual). In this case there are actually no “trial limits”. The limits are used for a constrained time study and is not an ongoing monitoring; so no phase 1 and phase 2 limits.I am not confused. I know objective of control charts in SPC and MSA both.
You have hurriedly replied without referring to MSA manula. Pl refer Page 86 of MSA manual and read last sentence on that page.
Of course if there is a stability problem - a drift or shift over time - then one would repeat the study after removing the cause of the drift or shift to demonstrate that they were successful. New data would be calculated and limits calculated from that data.
Care must be taken to ensure tha tthe shift or drift over time is due to the measurement system or the part itself…and stability studies are not required unless it is believed that the measurement system itself is susceptible to changes over time or environmental conditions.