Water softener & Stainless steel


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Hello Fellow Elsmar Cover's,

I am looking for some thoughts or past experience from anyone who works with stainless steels. We manufacture fasteners out of stainless steel grades (420,302,A286, etc). We are currently finding a build up of calcium in our degreaser (Parts washing machine). We are investigating bringing in a water softener to help minimize the amount of calcium build up in our machine. The one concern is that water softeners typically have salt inside them, which we know can potentially lead to corrosion. Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you :)


A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
Hi Inspector 265,

Suggest Incorporate an RO (Reverse Osmosis) System which should would nicely...used frequently when process water must be clean...

Hope this helps
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