ASQ CSSBB March 1, 2014 Exam Feedback



Hello Members,

With the exam over on Saturday March 1, 2014, I hope all of you got time to unwind after intense studying. Please post your feedback on the exam. I took the exam and I felt a lot of answer choices were very ambiguous. I really felt this test was tougher than last year. I am very anxious and awaiting results. Easily put in over 100 hours and preparation of 2 solid months every day. Studied close to 6-7 hrs a day for the last 2 weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed. I used the CSSBB Primer for all my prep and the test CD. I feel if you are really prepared for the exam you should get 90 questions answered, but the next 10-20 questions really make the difference, from my experience. I kind of feel testing methodology needs to be worked in some way because I am sure with the amount of prep and work ex ppl have who take the exam, making the questions and answers too twisted really does not do justice to their actual knowledge. A lot of questions and options were very twisted for this test, or atleast I felt that way. Well, all said and done, it is what it is. Good luck for your results. By the way total no of questions is 150 for folks who are new to the information about CSSBB.


Good luck to you guys who wrote the CSSBB exam. Remember the exam questions are written by CSSBB certification holders and they take questions from the reference materials posted by ASQ. I appeared for the Master Black Belt exam on March 1 and had similar feelings for some questions. I could argue for 2 answers to be correct for a question. I read in the ASQ scoring document that, if the questions are harder for the examinees this time compared to previous years and the overall average is low, it will reflect in the scoring calibration that ASQ conducts and the cut score will be adjusted. Anyways, GOOD LUCK.


Did any of you CSSBB aspirants get your results? Usually ASQ despatches results the following Friday by an email link. Just curious to see the successful candidates' responses. Remember: If you win, you lead. If you don't make it, you guide. Good luck guys.


Sorry for the late reply.. I made it.. Proud Black Belt ! Good Luck to all future aspirants, hard work works..


I passed as well. I didn't think the test was as hard as it could have been, you could spend weeks learning the ins and outs of a paired t test, weibull distributions and all that stuff. With 150 questions, it wouldn't make sense for them to load up on high powered stats calcs, there would be no time left to measure competency in the 13 other areas.

The time was better spent going over ALL of the sample questions on the blue pages of the primer. The test questions I found to be easier than the blue page questions. If you know those in and out, you should pass.


Guys i have created ASQ CSSBB Preparation Group on Whatsapp. Whoever is preparing for the exam, can send me their contact number on +91-7507714000 or [email protected] or through linkedin message with international code. I will add you in the group. Also i would request those who have already passed the exam to be a part of this group.

Thanks & Regards
Mohammad Jaid Alam
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