Using ISO document number, version number in Software based solution.



1) Earlier we were using Word template for Leave Application Form and now we have created web based solution. Should we show ISO document number and version number on this software?

2) Second case is we have one word template where its software based solution is also used by one department but other department is using word template for some reason. (both word template and software based solution are identical) What changes should I made in procedure so that both word template and software based solution used side by side?


1) Earlier we were using Word template for Leave Application Form and now we have created web based solution. Should we show ISO document number and version number on this software?

2) Second case is we have one word template where its software based solution is also used by one department but other department is using word template for some reason. (both word template and software based solution are identical) What changes should I made in procedure so that both word template and software based solution used side by side?
1. If you have a procedure in place that makes reference to the MS Word document , i suggest updating the procedure to include the electronic version of the leave form; also if you can include a version, revision number or even just a revision date that would assist you in provng traceability.

2. are the documents used for the same purpose? if so, update the procedure to state that people who have access to the electronic version, will use the software version, alternatively the electronic MS Word version will be used.

hope it helps

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Good day nabilpk,

While it's true ISO 9001:2008 specifically allows documentation to be in any media, you correctly suspect that the software version is subject to the requirements of 4.2.3.

However, unless your system requires ISO document numbers and revision numbers, the online form might not need them. However there will possibly be questions raised about when the form was last changed and what was changed. If that information is available somewhere then your case becomes much stronger for using online documents. Truthfully I have never seen that with a minor form like employee leave, though I have seen it with policy and certainly with procedures.

If the paper version and online version are identical (as in, suppose you printed it out and wrote on the paper version?) I do not see a need for procedural detail the extent of allowing both to be used. Just make sure they contain the same elements and hopefully that they look the same (or very nearly so) to avoid questions about duality.

I hope this helps!
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