Losing Accreditation - JAS-ANZ has changed the conditions of non-conformances




We are in the middle of an external audit for 9001:2008. We are certified through a body who is certified by JAS-ANZ. The auditor told us today that JAS-ANZ has changed the conditions of non-conformances. If we receive a non-conformance, we have only one week to rectify. If we cannot or do not, then we must start the de-certification process and must immediately remove all logos and contact all our customers to tell them we have lost certification. I cannot find any evidence of this on JAS-ANZ. Does anyone know where I might find evidence to backup this statement?

Sidney Vianna

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Re: Loosing Accreditation - JAS-ANZ has changed the conditions of non-conformances

Sounds very fishy. While it is a fact that there is some significant variation among Accreditation Bodies, even though they all should be following ISO 17011, this draconian requirement would be unheard of.

As always, use the show-me-the-shall approach and DEMAND to see the requirement from the auditor who is telling you that. I can almost guarantee that s/he will back paddle fast.

Martin HSEQ


We are in the middle of an external audit for 9001:2008. We are certified through a body who is certified by JAS-ANZ. The auditor told us today that JAS-ANZ has changed the conditions of non-conformances. If we receive a non-conformance, we have only one week to rectify. If we cannot or do not, then we must start the de-certification process and must immediately remove all logos and contact all our customers to tell them we have lost certification. I cannot find any evidence of this on JAS-ANZ. Does anyone know where I might find evidence to backup this statement?
Hi Pookyisme,
You'll not be able to find any evidence to back this up as it is absolute nonsense.
It could be your CB's policy (in which case it's time for a change IMO), but certainly not something JAS-ANZ dictates.
Martin - Certification Manager @ ECAAS Certification (JAS-ANZ accredited!)
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