3 scenarios of accident and I want to apply OHSAS18001



Plz I want help . I have 3 scenarios of accident and I want to apply OHSAS18001 . Can any one help me and give me the methods ?

Actually I am writing report about hypothetical copmany which includes :
1- introduction about company and its structure . I choose name of the company ( Water Distrbution Company )

2 - the sms of company

3 - 3 scenarios of accident ( 1- working at height when tow technicians try to fix a leak of pipe that connects with tank over mountantain and one of them fell down and had a serious injuries 2 - working at confine space when 2 worker cleaned the tank that the company should do it tow times a year . The workers incured to suffocation because the less oxygen inside tank but they were careless about safety 3- electrical shock when one technician was fixed the fault of pump of water and didnot put a lock in the swiches circut . and suddenly one worker was coming and swich on the circuit and caused electrical shock for the technician )
I want to manage this 3 scenarios by OHSAS18001?



OSH Officer
Hello !

What do you want to do with these three scenarios of accidents Aqasim ?
And What do you hope to do with this British OSHMS model about them ?

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