ASQ CQI Exam Questions



Hello. I am scheduled to take the ASQ CQI exam in about a month and a half and I have a couple of questions. The first is rather simple, is the exam open book? I read where someone referred to it as open book so that got me wondering. And if it is, just what book are we talking about?

The next has to do with the calculators that they will allow you to use. I have been using a TI-86 since my days in College Calculus class in the late '90's. I know that I am not allowed to bring that calculator with me so I had to go out searching for another. What I need the most is for it to have metric conversion capability. That being said, I purchased a Casio fx-115ES Plus (seen here: (broken link removed) ). It has metric conversions, but what I worry about is even though it doesn't have a complete alphabetic keypad, it does look as though you can type the letters A through F. I haven't opened it yet in case it will not be allowed. Anyone have any insight on this?

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Good day KosmoQA,

The exam is open book. I recommend plenty of advance study, but only bringing a maximum of three resources for the exam because digging around more than that never helped me.

Both times I served on the editors board for the ASQ CQI exam (last time was 2009) I noticed that, whether ASQ's exam writers meant it or not, we most often found our answers in the CQI Handbook. Please note that the Handbook has been revised as of October 2012, but the resource list shows the first edition and I do not expect the exam you will be taking was made with the second edition. I didn't see any copies of the 1st edition available in ASQ or

I passed my CQI, CQT, CQA and CQE using Pyzdek's texts. I found them very good but they weren't among ASQ's listed resources. I like using books that I can use as a reference later. I still look up some things in my old Pyzdek books. :cool: Please note that I used earlier revisions.

I remember we also often found answers in the Handbook of Dimensional Measurement, 3rd ed., New York: Industrial Press, 1994 and The Quality Technician’s Handbook, 5th ed., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. However, please be warned that I did not have any role in editing the exam version you are about to take.

Your calculator looks acceptable. ASQ's requirement is that calculators cannot be programmable. They have a web page describing their restrictions.

I hope this helps!


Thanks Jennifer!
I actually have the CQI Handbook and am using it as a study guide. Am I allowed to use it during the exam?

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Thanks Jennifer!
I actually have the CQI Handbook and am using it as a study guide. Am I allowed to use it during the exam?
Yes, you can take that into the exam room, and your other materials too; the proctor will only check to ensure you have not brought in any example test questions and the like. There may be limitations on note taking but I never experienced any problem with my note taking in the margins of my texts.


Thanks again Jennifer! You're kind of scaring me a little though because the CQI Handbook is the only materials that I have.


Quite Involved in Discussions
It has been a while since I took the exam, but I think you will need some sampling plan tables especially for attibutes.



Please forgive my ignorance but, what are sampling plan tables and where would I get them?


Quite Involved in Discussions
Z 1.4 which was derived from MIL-STD-105E. Several quality books also have enough of the tables that will give you enough for the test.
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