Why is RCA essential?


Involved In Discussions
Does anyone have a good explanation for why RCA is essential? I frequently run into seemingly intelligent people who just.don't.get.it. I'm talking about people in responsible management positions. I've explained until I'm blue in the face and they still keep grasping at cosmetic solutions. I've showed them how RCA saves money, avoids problems, improves quality, increases customer satisfaction... Any ideas?


Looking for Reality
Trusted Information Resource
Sounds like you already told them the truth...anything beyond the truth is a cosmetic.

Ask them, if they had termites in their house, whether they would paint over the damage...or kill the termites.
Or other such "real world, relatable" examples...take it outside of a corporate context and make it real to them.

If you've said so many words that you are blue in the face...you're saying the wrong words...JMO


Trusted Information Resource
I would suspect that they understand it perfectly well from your explanations. However, I bet their value systems are different from yours, and it is value systems that shape decisions. They probably also look at vision & mission statements as PR rather than something to live by.

Bev D

Heretical Statistician
Super Moderator
Request for Corrective Action or Root Cause Analysis?


A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
depending on your audience, level etc., share with them "if nothing changes....nothing changes", you cant change that which you dont recognize and correctly identify the cause(s)

Bev D

Heretical Statistician
Super Moderator
In my experience there are two competing 'beliefs/values' at play when organizations are highly resistant to root cause analysis. The first is the belief that a 'good' engineer will just know what to do. (they don't need no stinkin RCA) The other is that RCA is slow and expensive and a bandaid or guess at a solution is good enough.

neither beliefs are helped when weak RCA methods and tools are used of course...


A Sea of Statistics
Super Moderator
this thread would appear to fall under a broader title of "Corporate Culture"; that needs to be re-aligned, re-calibrated...etc.,
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