


Any idea where the Struebing brothers are? Jeff was the oldest followed by Kyle, Andy and Jody from around 1965 until towards the end in 1976.

I'm Bob Freeman, went to camp 1971 - 1976. Still in touch with Ben Taylor, son of Doris and Ross, not sure of your address list for them, they reside in Minneapolis, MN.

Also, any word from J.D. Deacon, long time 60' and early 70's camper. Also Steve Buckingham lives in Tallahassee, FL.

Any update is appreciated.

B. Freeman
Chief War Eagle 1975
Blackfeet Rule!

Well, Now we know the camp lasted through 1976! Who was the owner then? What boats did they have. Still do canoe trips? What rivers? And, of course, that the "Blackfeet Go Rolling Along!"

- Bob Hausser

Strong Bow

As I've mentioned, the only way I could stay at Portage Lake was to marry a Tosebo kitchen girl. So I got to view the Camp while playing tennis in Red Park. I remember JD Deacon and the Struebing brothers (Kyle was just a tiny little munchkin) THe camp was sold to a woman named Allman from the Plymouth, MI area. I had a lke friend who worked there in that time. She made some attempt to turn it into this international camp mad I remeber my friend Todd said he was the only counselor that knew any Spanish. I think it was a disaster. I believe the program didn't change that much, she just didn't have Coach and the other counselors to hold the place together.


Dear Strongbow,

A couple of years ago, my older brother, George Hausser, 1952-1955, stayed at the Old Camp Tosebo Bed and Breakfast, and donated his "shield" to their collection of Tosebo memorabillia. They told him at that time that they were collecting the names and addresses of former campers to display at the Inn. Now that the Inn has apparently closed, we wonder what happened to both the "stuff" and the alledged list of names w/addresses.

It would be nice to add such information to this website.

If you still visit the Red Park area, perhaps you could "nose around" a bit for such stuff?

What is your guess as to the last year it was still a "camp?"

Why don't you purchase the Camp, and invite all of us to come stay during the summer?

Strong Bow

I'm going up this Friday for a week and will see if anyone is around. The camp was on the market and is now off - last price was $1.3M - actually not bad considering what lakefront is worth on Portage. Camp ended in 76 or 77, I think.

To all - let me know if you're ever planning to come by Camp Tosebo. I go most weekends in the summer and I'd hate to miss the chance for a live "pow-wow" Dave


I visited the camp briefly about ''73 or '74. Met Mrs Allman. She said Coach had come back to visit the year before and had sat outside the clubhouse and talked to kids. Met Bennie Taylor who was working there in the kitchen. At the lakefront the sailboats of my era were gone-replaced by craft that required little or no knowledge to operate. I think the sails were plastic. My Mother exchanged Christmas cards and notes with Ross until the late 1970's. I remember Ross writing that Mrs Allman had closed the camp but would rent the houses (Welcome house, Beehive) to adults.
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