ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993 vs. ANSI/ASQ Z1.4-2003

Steve McQuality

Quality Engineer
OK, so these standards have been around for a while and no one has asked this question as far as I can see - and it's probably a dumb one, but hey, I'm willing to venture out on this limb.:truce:

I am sitting at my desk w/ a copy of ANSI/ASQC Z1.4-1993. As we all know, the standard has been updated to 2003. Is there any compelling reason that anyone is aware of that I should spring the $92 at ASQ to purchase the new standard? Are there any significant differences that would assist in setting up sampling plans or monitoring (i.e. switch rule changes, etc.)?

Any guidance/opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


chergh - 2008

The only compelling reason I can think of is if you have customer contracts stating that your sampling plans will be done in accordance with this standard.

Otherwise if you are happy with what you got I don't see any reason to splash the cash.

Steve McQuality

Quality Engineer
The only compelling reason I can think of is if you have customer contracts stating that your sampling plans will be done in accordance with this standard.

Otherwise if you are happy with what you got I don't see any reason to splash the cash.

That was pretty much my line of thinking as well - and there's no way to find out if "anything's new" without layin' out the bucks!:frust: Thanks!
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