ASQ CQE Practice Exam - Do I need to score very well to pass?



I took the practice exam today on the ASQ site for the upcoming CQE exam and I only got a 70%. I limited myself to only using the CQE Handbook I have loaned to me, but I a wondering if I should be worried?

I am signed up to take it in December. I have poked around here for some other sample tests, but with all the mixed stories around here I don't know how to take the results. Do I need a 95% on the practice exams to pass the real thing?

Hoping someone who took the sample and the real thing can chime in.


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
If you are referring the 75 questions Sample exam in the CQE certification page, these are questions from past exam retired and made available to public. It is difficult to say 70% score in this sample exam is reflective of anything. I am not sure if these questions are representative of the % distribution identified in the Body of Knowledge. CQE is relatively difficult exam. One thing I can say is that it is definitely not a poor score. With only five weeks away from the exam, I would strongly suggest to get the QCI Primer and Electronic CD to practice the 1000 questions in the CD. If you consistently score 85%+ in the CD simulated exams (% distribution representative of actual exam), you have a good probability of passing CQE.

Also take a look at this article on Exam passing tips:

Best Wishes.

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Just a FYI followup. I passed the exam.

My strategy was to look at the questions from the practice exam and gut check how I felt about my knowledge on the subject and study in weaker areas even if I answered the question correctly.

I brought 2 books, the Juran and the Certified Quality Engineer handbook. Both were a revision back, but they contained most of the same info.


Congrats on passing.

can I ask how long you studied for? and which section of the exam did you find the hardest? what is your area of quality expertise?

any help would be awesome.


LucaB - I studied about 3 hours a night for about 7 business days right before the test. I did take the sample test several months before the actual test during a few lunch hours. I have 2 young kids so I don't have much time outside of work.

Taking the sample test with the materials you plan to have available is a honest example of what to expect. Don't cheat yourself and look things up on the pratice test or give yourself more time. You will pay for it later. The other tests I found online were not even similar test formatts, but the sample provided by ASQ was spot on with the formatt.

I worked at a corperate quality role from my first days of internship until 2 years ago I took a plant job to get some different experience (4 years total HQ). While working at HQ I worked on new product launches, several aquisitions and a consolidation of 2 joint venture plants into a new plant and performed the occasional supplier evaluations. I am in the heavy truck industy so APQP, SixSigma, TS16949 is the usual. I would say I'm not a expert at any one area, just have experience in many areas of quality. I found some of the statistics tough even though I have strong engineering background (ME degree, durability concentration). They are just not used everyday like problem solving\people management skills. You tend to have standard things you have to do and if you need something else you digg it up as needed as I did on the test.

I personally feel there is too much stress on the statistics and not enough on business sense and problem solving. I can honestly say in both positions I have held a good business sense and problem solving skills are used 10 to 1 vs. statistics knowledge. I suppose in a small company it would be more important if you can't lean on a master black belt for tough problems or give direction when stuck.

Hope this helps some way. Just go for it, I felt the hype about the toughness is overplayed.


Anybody who wants to sell their CQE Primer to me? I am planning to take the CQE exam this Dec 3, 2011. Please give me some tips on what study material I should have.

Jen Kirley

Quality and Auditing Expert
Anybody who wants to sell their CQE Primer to me? I am planning to take the CQE exam this Dec 3, 2011. Please give me some tips on what study material I should have.
Twice I have served as an associate exam editor for ASQ, though it was for the inspector's exam. Still, I noticed that most often the questions were drawn from ASQ's Handbook, whether they intended it that way or not.

Whichever the case, for the sake of preparedness I have always felt more comfortable with the handbooks than the Primers that I have heard referenced as the "default" material, especially if you want to do much beyond passing the exam.

I am a big fan of used books - maybe that will help. ;)


I paid membership fee to ASQ. Now I feel like I don't want to take the CQE exam. Does it really benefit me? Plus I have to do something to re-certify. Please comment.:nope:

Jim Wynne

I paid membership fee to ASQ. Now I feel like I don't want to take the CQE exam. Does it really benefit me? Plus I have to do something to re-certify. Please comment.:nope:

I think that certification has undoubtedly helped some people in finding jobs, but it's usually not a big factor. Only you can decide whether or not it's worth the time, effort and money.
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