Example of Calibration Due Reminders to Leads, Managers & Directors




We do it the old-fashion way, manual email reminder. Anyone have examples of straight-forward email notices they send out to production floor leads, managers & directors for devices due for cal every quarter?



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Emails are traditional, but people get used to them and can become complacent.

I advocate using interpretive dance as a communicative medium for many traditional QA challenges, but I only have a few coworkers who will play along.


Oh, and welcome to the forum, [g8 eric]. Someone with a better answer will probably be along shortly.


I use the GagePack software. It has the capability to auto send an email Notice to who ever you want. However, my company will not allow the software utilize this. So what I have to do is generate a Report with the tools that are due for the coming month and save it to a certain place. I then create an email and send a Notice that they may have a tool due. They need to go the certain location, review the report, find the gage that's coming due, and then let me know of any conflicting problems, (Holidays, vacation, in a test, broke, lost, etc). I have to pick it up and return it, but that allows me to :get things ready". It works but I too find that people get complacent.



We do it the old-fashion way, manual email reminder. Anyone have examples of straight-forward email notices they send out to production floor leads, managers & directors for devices due for cal every quarter?


Hello! Welcome to the forum!!

What I have learned is, the group you are speaking of, get a lot of emails. A lot.

What about considering a tiered approach:
Equipment contacts for due lists.
Supervisors when getting close to due date.
Managers when they are past due.
Directors when the past due list is long and aged.
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