I was given two copies of the CQE exam!


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Just took the CQE today. I was the only person taking that particular test. When I got to question #65 or so, I was flipping the pages over, when I noticed I was given two copies of the test! I immediately notified one of the proctors and returned it.
before the test, they went through my reference materials very thoroughly and forbade any mobile telephones. More strict exam policies due to people taking pictures of exam questions, they said. With all of these controls in place, ASQ probably wouldn't have imagined such an error. (Add a line item in their PFMEA for "proctor provides extra exam copy to examinee".:lol:)


Trusted Information Resource
I just finished procotoring the exams for my section. As part of closing out the proctor report, I had to account for all of the exams I received. If I was missing one at the end I'd have to notify ASQ. They would have to decide what to do at that point.

I don't know what the risk of having one exam "in the wild" would be. If the person distributed it widely, they would more than likely be caught and have their certificate revoked. Worst case is they would have to stop using all questions from that version of the test.


Hi CalRich

Your honesty is appreciated. Thank you for bringing this up to your proctor



Involved In Discussions
I just finished procotoring the exams for my section. As part of closing out the proctor report, I had to account for all of the exams I received. If I was missing one at the end I'd have to notify ASQ. They would have to decide what to do at that point.

I don't know what the risk of having one exam "in the wild" would be. If the person distributed it widely, they would more than likely be caught and have their certificate revoked. Worst case is they would have to stop using all questions from that version of the test.
Since I was the only one of the group taking the CQE, I guess they would have looked to me once they found out. I'm glad that there is good control of the exams to add value to the certification. Thanks for the info.

Steve Prevette

Deming Disciple
Super Moderator
ASQ always sends one more copy of each exam than the Section (or other entity providing the exam) needs). I gave a CQA and a Six Sigma exam, and there was an extra of each, plus one of each of the exams not being given. This is so if there is a last minute crisis (late register, or mess up at ASQ) there is always at least a spare exam.

The proctor needs to make sure only to give out one exam to each attendee, however.


I was given one copy of each CQA and CQE.
Moreover, When I took the CQE in toronto, Canada, I guess the whole toronto is taking that test. :cool:
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