PDCA - Plan Do Check Act Cycle - What is PDCA?



I have seen "Plan Do Check Act" in the 8 Principles of Quality Management and in other readings, however, I have not been able to get a definition or example of it. Can any one offer some assistance? Thank You
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The ISO 14001 Specification document from ANSI has a good diagram with explanation for use.

David Mullins

PDCA has many names, like continuous improvement cycle, Deming Wheel, Ishikawa Circle, Shewart Cycle.
It is also known as plan, do, show, act.
Any search on process improvement, continuous imrpovement or even benchmarking will give you buckets of info on PDCA.
I could email you a 2 page PDCA overview if I knew how to get it to you.
Any suggestions Marc?
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