Procedure Control in a Repair Center - Mechanical Devices



I write my diploma work on the base of small division, which performs a repair and an adjustment of the mechanical devices. All the operations in the process of repair and an adjustment are carrying out by means of the procedures. These procedures and the forms of adjustment records have been obtaining from the firm, with one our division has an agreement. By the agreement we should follow the requirements of their repair and an adjustment procedures. One part of the procedures is filed in the computer, the other part is filed in a paper file. The work goes that way:
1) The operator receives a device from a customer
2) The operator finds the part number on the body of the device
3) By means of device part number the operator chooses the procedure (if there is no necessary procedure in our division we ask the firm to send us one)
4) The operator follows the repair and an adjustment procedures
5) The operator fills the record step by step after the performance of operations

Give me please your ideas towards managing these procedures. Should the procedures be grouped in a list of used procedures and who should approve this list ? Or may be enough to mark the computer file and paper file with procedures by the word USED PROCEDURES ?
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->Give me please your ideas towards managing these
->procedures. Should the procedures be grouped in a list of
->used procedures and who should approve this list ?

The person (functional position) who should be responsible for approving the procedures is company specific. If corporate is defining them, they should be approving them. You may also have a 'local' approving authority but again, who that would be depends upon how your company devides up responsibilities. In one company it might be the manufacturing manager. In another it might be the quality manager.

-> Or may
->be enough to mark the computer file and paper file with
->procedures by the word USED PROCEDURES ?

I'm not clear on what you mean by 'used' procedures. I suspect you mean 'current' procedures (the ones everyone are supposed to be using).
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