Supplier Corrective Action Request (SCAR) vs. Corrective Action Request (CAR)




We are ISO 9001 certified company and using the same form for internal as well as external (Supplier) compliants.


Ghulam Mustafa


Trusted Information Resource
............ Our company is small and we need a form that is simple, direct and easy to understand for nontechnical staff. Can you and/or others provide a copy or link to such forms ?............

Welcome to the Cove.

Such documents are usually found in the post attachments list. Examples of search results are as this or this. Choose a format that you like.


Practically its the same . Whatever you name it! The purpose is to issue a corrective action request. The level of action depends upon the severity of problem and organizations intent in resolution :permanent or temporary.


Please find atatched CPAR form that we have been using, bit simple I guess for floor level guys.


  • CPAR.pdf
    95.1 KB · Views: 343


Within our organization, mentioning a SCAR, it's deemed "not good" as it means it came from a customer, they took the to write a complaint and want us to write back on the premanent fix.

CAR's are really the same, same format, appearance might be different, but folks know it's usually issued inside our organization. When responding to a customer's SCAR, I normally use our own CAR form and drag my heels if a "little Cesar" :nono: is demanding to use his form. Especially if the SCAR is really not warranted or no real risk or being too picky. :lol: Maybe it's a passive aggressive thing coming from me. :notme:
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