VSM - Value Stream Mapping (catheter manufacturing unit)


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Hi All,

I am new here and need your help.
I got a new project to implement VSM for our product families.
Please guide me to implement VSM ( balloon catheters ).
How do start and do all necessary things?

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Here is a link to Mike Rother's website which contains some really good discussion about the objectives and purpose for good VSM activity. You will see that right off, it references the Learning to See text which Rother and Shook wrote which introduces the VSM concept. You should also get a copy of this book to read and keep for reference, it is pretty straightforward and understandable as to how to draw the current & future state maps.


Quite Involved in Discussions
Learning to See is a must have and you may want to check out the Lean Enterprise Institute


I don't see these terms in my immediate notes, but REL may stand for machine reliability or Uptime, where you account for any typical downtime at a workcenter. The FPY probably stands for First Pass Yield, which accounts for defect percentage. These are to be factored in against observed machine cycle time, to get a process takt time which you compare against the Customer demand takt time requirement. The highest process calculated takt time is typically your bottleneck or constraint.

For example, if you have a raw machine time of 30 seconds, uptime of 90% and yield of 95%, you would divide 30s/.90/.95, for a takt of about 35.1 seconds, which goes below the process box along the lower row of that staggered line at bottom of the map...


Starting to get Involved
2.67day 4.133day 14.333day 3.3333day 28day 24.5minute 75min 2min 16.5min 30min
What is the meaning of these values in VSM ( at lower side ) and how to calculate it.?


There are several good examples if you click on the "Post Attachments Files" link on the top of the page and search by "VSM" or "Value Stream". Some appear to have automated formulas, while others also include graphics for VSM elements per the Learning to See text, or both, so you should be able to find a good one to help do both the calculations, and create an effective visual map...
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