Will A Customer Complaint Cause Us To Fail Registration?



Is it true that a company cannot get certified to ISO /Ts 16949 if it has even one customer complaint ?
Did I hear it wrong?


Andrews - I think you are confusing this with not being recommended for certification if you have an open nonconformance in your assessment.

All nonconformances found in your assessment audit have to be closed before your registrar can recommend you for certification.

If you weren't allowed to have any customer complaints, we would all be looking from the outside. As a matter of fact, I think an auditor would be very critical of a company who had NO customer complaints. To me it would indicate they are not listening to their customers and ignoring their feedback.


Manoj Mathur

Quite Involved in Discussions
I wouldn't say I am with 100% agree with Mr. dave.
NIL Customer complaint does not mean that " To me it would indicate they are not listening to their customers and ignoring their feedback. "
Take my example, We are supplying Maruti Suzuki since long and whatever we have supplied we did not receive any complaint from tham. As a matter of fact at the time of TS certification, when we asked to Maruti Suzuki and feedback from them about product . They said we don't have any complaint or reject any single alloy wheel from you. Neither they don't have any delievery issue with Hindalco.

So Mr. Dave your coment does not apply to us eventhough we don't have any complaint.

Moreover trying to go beyond Six Sigma is Zero Complaint.


I'm not Dave

Manoj Mathur said:

I wouldn't say I am with 100% agree with Mr. dave.
NIL Customer complaint does not mean that " To me it would indicate they are not listening to their customers and ignoring their feedback. "
Take my example, We are supplying Maruti Suzuki since long and whatever we have supplied we did not receive any complaint from tham. As a matter of fact at the time of TS certification, when we asked to Maruti Suzuki and feedback from them about product . They said we don't have any complaint or reject any single alloy wheel from you. Neither they don't have any delievery issue with Hindalco.

So Mr. Dave your coment does not apply to us eventhough we don't have any complaint.

Moreover trying to go beyond Six Sigma is Zero Complaint.


If Maruti Suzuki is your ONLY customer, then you may have a point. You would still have to demonstrate to an Auditor that you solicited comments from them and there were none. With 50 to a 100 or more Customers, you will have complaints. It just may be a contested invoice or feedback about a late shipment that got lost by the carrier. Happens all the time. Not the Company's fault. Auditors would anticipate some complaints and are more concerned about the CA taken and its effectiveness. While Zero Complaints is a noble goal, its just pie in the sky thinking. Customers complain about price all the time. Feedback. While your company wouldn't lower their price for one Customer (maybe they would if the Customer was big enough), you still record it. If the evidence grows, as other customers complain, action will be required. I believe Dave was talking about the majority of companies, not a one customer company.:bonk: :smokin:
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