Will the US Vote No? US TAG contingent on the fence


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From: ISO Standards Discussion
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 07:08:10 -0500
Subject: Re: ISO-9001/2K Procedure-less? Why? /../Scalies/Arbuckle/Arter

From: Dennis Arter

>> Dennis Arter has indicated that the US TAG contingent has/will vote
>> nay on the whole thing. Good for them! I hope it turns out to be more
>> than a Quixotic exercise.
> Dennis...is this still true???

Well, not really. The USA intends to vote disapprove on the 9001 draft, due to an obvious problem with control of nonconformances. (Corrective action is suggested for EVERY nonconformance, which is not proper.) We also have serious problems with the audit clause, in that it reads very poorly and allows the report to bypass the auditee.


At the next international meeting, these things will be discussed and the problems will be ironed out. At the end of the meeting, the USA may then elect to vote yes, based on the changes worked out.

I don't believe there will be sufficient dissatisfaction with the DIS to kill it. There is a slim chance that the changed DIS will go out for another vote before the final (FDIS) vote. That would, of course, set the schedule back by about six months. The chance is quite small, however.

> Is there a way I can keep up with the US TAG direction?

Subscribe the the Informed Outlook newsletter (now available through ASQ) or the Quality Systems Update newsletter (published by McGraw Hill). Or join the US Z1 committee and the US TAG176 committee.

Dennis R. Arter


Fully vaccinated are you?
From: (Manus)
Newsgroups: misc.industry.quality
Subject: Re: DIS 9001:2000 presentation material
Date: 12 Apr 2000 23:26:58 GMT

It is also my understanding that Japan is thinking of withholding their vote for it as they have problems, not with wording, but with content. Slan Leat!

Phil McManus


(expleptive deleted) Japan! They have NEVER supported ISO 9000 cuz they think they are tyhe best! The bad news is they may be.


The May 2000 Quality Progress on page 28 says that the U.S. TAG voted to oppose the draft international standards to ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9001:2000. However they supported the language of ISO 9004:2000.



I was in Colima and San-Francisco ISO meetings and know their atmosphere. There is a lot of discussions but nobody wants to stop before the finish.
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