Calibration in TS 16949 Clause 7.6 - Goals, Objectives and Metrics

How does one go about generating Goals, Objectives and Metrics for the "Calibration Process". During TS pre-audit, this was suggested, but not written up as a finding or OFI.

First of all, I can't find any requirements that would begin to cover this under section 7.6 Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices. I cover all the requirements under this section, no problem. All my devices are calibrated by an External Lab certified to 17025.

I have ~100 devices in my calibration plan. For the past 3 years, each device has been calibrated, each device that was found out of calibration was evaluated for impact, and there were no impacts (e.g. out of cal in unused units or by extremely small values).

My goal/objective is 100% in calibration for devices in the plan with no impacts.
One metric could be % in cal at each calibration interval.
Another could be % of instruments that cause impact at each interval.

Or do I even need this? Help, please.


One thing to remember is that although calibration services "suggest" a re-calibration date, you are not bound by it. You can set your own intervals based on data collected in your company. One goal could be to extend out the intervals based on empirical knowledge and data collected from incoming calibration records. Another, if R&R is in your calibration system, would be to reduce the total R&R percentage. Another goal may be to reduce the number of broken or lost devices through gage management and training programs. I'm not saying these are required or that they even fit your particular company but hopefully it will start the ball rolling with other suggestions.



Involved - Posts
We consider 'slippages in maintenance schedule' and, 'cost of internal and external calibration (including master gage calibration), which has a target or budget'
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