I updated my Job Description - Critiques Appreciated


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Re: I updated my Job Description -

Well, as I have stated previously, we are a somewhat dysfunctional outfit, as are all companies.

So I guess I should not have been surprised when I was asked to step into a meeting where it was announced (with all other staff present) that I'd be taking on some more duties (engineering support), getting a different job description (the one we collaborated on here) and additional money as well (they named numbers publicly, which took me by surprise - but as I've said, they do things differently around here). And I now answer to the top of the command chain (again).


So, as always, thank you for all your help. :tg:
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Re: I updated my Job Description -

Thanks for letting us now how everything turned out.


Looking for Reality
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Re: I updated my Job Description -

Crongrats (I think). Thanks for living it out loud.
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