TS 16949:2002 - Error Proofing Column Required in Control Plan II


Karen R

SilverHawk said:

That's happening a few times. Today one CB auditor wanted us to put in the "error-proofing" and the next surveillance audit, I am sure the another auditor from the same CB may have a different option and may propbably tell us NOT to put it in as the Appendix J is the right template.

Even the auditors from the same CB are not "calibraeted" themselves. Just like any registration, we are fighting out with the auditors.

I don't know what you ended up doing, and I've been there/done that - giving in to the auditor, but not any more. We used to believe that we had to accept whatever auditor our CB wanted to send us, but that's not true. We pay the bills and we have "blacklisted" auditors who want to force their opinions on us. We have developed a small list of auditors we really like - they challenge us but they also work with us to get better. Like anything else, the CB audit should be value-added. So pick the auditors who will add value to your process!


Hi Dude,

Maybe she did not see any error proofing describe in the control plan, A.2 did mention the word "shall".

A column or a row for it, is not necessary so try to include error proofing somewhere in the control plan , see if she'll accept...

If she still asking for the extra column, then used the seventh word in auditing back to her ... "SHOW ME" where in the requirement that stated we must have a column for that......

Just checking, is her name C.T Tan?

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