Calculator for ASQ Exams - I can't use my TI-86 calculator for upcoming ASQ exams!



Hi, I just found out I can't use my TI-86 calculator for upcoming ASQ exams because it has a secondary alpha key function. The TI-83 high school model has the same feature. Can someone recommend a good calcualtor with statistic features that is approved for ASQ exams. Thank you.


:confused: I'm puzzled. Why would a shifted alpha key function make a calculator invalid for use in a certification exam?

I admit it has been a number of years since I took (10 yrs) or proctored (5 yrs) one of the ASQ exams so the rules may have changed. But the main restriction that I recall was that a calculator could not be programmable or have any stored program modules or memory cards, and any memory had to be erased. It also had to be a "calculator", not a "computer" - that would rule out laptops and palm-type handheld computers.

Do you have a reference to the source of this restriction? (document or policy)


Here is a reference to the policy, it's on page 7.
It says :If you bring an alphabetic keyboard calculator into the exam room, it will confiscated by the proctor, and returned after the exam."
I have emailed ASQ to get clarification on using a calculator that has a secondary alpha function, and it appears it's taboo also.
I suggested they change the wording on the restriction to state 'primary or secondary alpha function".
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