When is FAI required? AS9100 and 8.4.3 requirements


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Any ideas about cl. 8.4.3 Information for External Providers in part of FAI, please?
In which cases External Providers shall carry out the FAI and what will be the FAI subject (Parts? Assemblies? Sub-assemblies?)
Vlad, you will need to define when the FAIR needs to be completed in your SOP, you can also document the RISKs there as well. Note that you may want to do a FAIR even on COTS parts every few years (for a comfort level to ensure that nothing has changed that could impact the product or your process) - while you can flow this requirement down if its truly a COTS part your external provider will probably NOT give you any thing resembling AS9102; at any revision change (recommended) for assembly & subassembly parts. we also require a FAIR if the supplier moves, changes ownership etc but those are on a part to part basis and should be called out as part of your quality requirements.
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