6.4 Work Environment - What does ISO 9001:2000 say about worker safety?


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From: ISO Standards Discussion
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 07:07:03 -0600
Subject: Re: What does ISO 9001:2000 say about worker safety? /Pfrang/Palmes

From: Paul Palmes - Northernpipe.com

OK, I'll take this one.... I'd like to make clear that OSHA is not a part of the new ISO 9001:2000 standard. What is involved that others may have originally construed as "OSHA-like" is probably contained in Sections 6.3, Facilities and 6.4 Work Environment.

Section 6.3 Facilities
"The organization shall identify, provide and maintain the facilities it needs to achieve the conformity of product, including:
a) workspace and associated facilities
b) equipment, hardware and software
c) supporting services

Section 6.4 Work Environment
"The organization shall identify and manage the human and physical factors of the work environment needed to achieve conformity of product."

This wording is far better than earlier attempts which were much broader and unauditable. (Imagine trying to audit "work ethics and ambient working conditions" which appeared in an earlier draft of Section 6.4)

The current revision ties workers and work environment to the fulfillment of product conformity rather than conformance to OSHA or other regulatory guidelines.

Hope this helps!

Paul Palmes

[This message has been edited by Marc Smith (edited 28 February 2000).]


Fully vaccinated are you?
From: ISO Standards Discussion
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 07:11:17 -0600
Subject: Re: Q: What does ISO 9001:2000 say about worker safety? /Pfrang/Whitcomb

From: Gary Whitcomb - 4funlsi.com

Doug: You asked the following question:

"One of my clients recently attended a seminar about OSHA at which a presenter claimed that ISO 9001:2000 would include OSHA (worker safety) requirements. Since I'm sure the OSHA part isn't true, do any of you know the real story?"

I have been reading the new ISO 9000-2000 DIS. I might point out the DIS includes paragraph 6.4 Work Environment which could be cited as being inclusive of worker safety, which someone might say, by reference, includes OSHA regulations.

Another interpretation of this could come from Section 5, 5.1(a): "communicating to the organization the importance of meeting customer as well as regulatory and legal requirements" If a company considers its employees as internal customers, then a point could be made that OSHA regulations would be covered by ISO. I think the wording of this sentence is a tad open in that it says:"meeting customer AS WELL AS", which to me reads in addition to, and OSHA being regulatory, is covered under this sentence.

Something to think about, for sure.

Doug, and all: I forgot to include in my response that ISO/DIS 9004 in section 6.4 Work environment discusses the very issue you asked about, and gives many different examples of the human and physical factors of the work environment.


Alan Cotterell

Compliance with regulatory requirements such as those laid down by OSHA, should be well covered by management system requirements, within an organisation. A minimalist approach to safety will never produce the desired results.
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